Physical Education
I. Rationale:
Elementary P.E. is important to develop activity patterns and skills that will be carried into adulthood. It also promotes regular physical activity that is beneficial for overall health and well-being. Positive experiences in physical activity are important in childhood to carry into adulthood.
II. Course Objectives:
This course will consist of basic information regarding exercise and the effects of exercise on the body. It will also cover the basic movement skills along with complex movement skills and how to apply them during games and sports performance.
III. Format and Procedures:
The students will enter the gymnasium and line up in their assigned lines. They will begin their warm-up routine upon the start of class. The warm-up routine will contain daily strength building exercises along with running and different locomotor movements. The following are the classroom rules and consequences.
Classroom Rules
Our rules will follow the social contracts established in the student’s homeroom. Our PE specific rules will be:
- Do not touch equipment until directed
- No arguing-solve problems maturely
- Listen to what your PE teacher instructs before asking questions
- No complaining about what we are doing in PE
- Do not talk out of turn
1st offense- Warning
2nd offense- Time out
3rd offense- Time out and violation notice
IV. Course Requirements:
The requirements are simple, come to class prepared, behave, participate and have fun.
V. Grading Procedures: Grades
We grade students based on several categories.
Warm-Ups-daily warm up activities. They need correct form and their best effort to earn full points.
Behavior-daily assessment on attitude and their ability to be good classmates and follow all rules of the school and PE. This includes being polite and respect of their students and all skill levels.
Unit Skill-each unit has a different focus we assess the students on. It could be throwing and the correct form and actions, or it could be the basic locomotor movements we taught them. These assessments could be a visual observation or a written test, but all must be taken seriously as these have a huge impact on your grades.
VI. Accommodations for students with disabilities
Every attempt is made to make sure that students will succeed in class. Accommodations and adaptations are used to make sure that students have a positive feeling towards physical education. In our waffle ball unit for example, each student was told that they were going to hit off of a tee stand. We would give them an opportunity to hit the ball while being pitched and if able to would not get to use the stand. This way, all students get a chance to hit the ball and do not feel that hitting off of the tee is punishment or embarrassing. In most of the activities, we will make adaptations until success is reached.
If your child has any medical concerns, please bring a doctor’s note and talk to your PE teacher about the limitations of your child. If a child does not have a note from a doctor after 2 days of PE, they will start to lose points for participation. We are here for your child and want the best for them but they cannot sit out without permission from their guardian.
VIII. Tentative Course Schedule (May change slightly depending on several factors & student needs)
Introduction/ Procedures/Safety
Height & weight (5th only)
Spatial Awareness
Throwing stations
Soccer skills
Rhythmic Activities
Football skills
Teamwork Activities
Indoor games
Volleyball skills and games
Dodging and fleeing
Weight lifting
Fitness circuits
Kickball games
Softball/waffle ball
Dodging and fleeing
Fitness Relays
Racquet games
Track & Field
Fitness testing
Height & Weight
Field Day game