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California English Language Development Test (CELDT)

California English Language Development Test (CELDT)
Students who are newcomers or students who have not been deemed as Fluent English Proficient, or have NOT been Reclassified, must take the CELD test. The CELD test is made up of two main components for K-1, and four main components for 2nd grade and up. Since most of our students are still categorized as EL students, there is a high volume of students who need to be tested each year. To make sure the operation of CELDT administration goes smoothly, the following is a list of procedures that needs to be done at the beginning of the school year: 
  • The registrar and principal will work to identify which students need to be tested.
  • Teachers will be notified which students need testing, prior to passing out CELD test materials.
  • Materials will be passed out to teachers upon arrival.
  • The principal will meet with each site to discuss changes, additions, or other important information vital to test administration.
  • The curriculum coaches will block out time to administer CELD tests. Homeroom teachers (grades 2-6) will administer all parts of the CELD test, except the Oral Speaking portion, which will be completed by the CELDT team.
  • After October 31st, newly enrolled students who are newcomers or students who have not been tested for CELD, must be tested within one month.
  • It is the responsibility of the homeroom teacher to request materials from the principal or EL teachers for test these students. If the student has already been tested, then the vice principal will let the teacher know of this, and nothing further needs to be done.
  • If the student has not been tested, the Homeroom teacher or other trained teacher needs to complete all portions of the CELD test.
  • Site administrators should also notify the principal, EL teacher, and homeroom teacher of a new enrollee as soon as possible to start the process of CELDT administration. Please place a copy of the new student notice form in the principal’s box at each site.
  • Once the CELD tests have been administered, please turn them into the principal who will forward them to the district testing coordinator once there are enough CELDTs completed to mail them in a bundle.
Please also keep in mind that CELDT results are to be filed in the students portfolios