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What is a charter school?
A charter school is a public school that is nonsectarian and nonreligious and operates under a contract or a charter. Charter schools are established to serve the different learning styles and needs of public school students, to offer them appropriate and innovative choices, to afford variety opportunities for professional educators and to allow freedom and flexibility in exchange for continuous exceptional progress. Charter school provides parents, students, and community members with rigorous involvement in the public school system.

How does a public charter school differ from a traditional public school?
Charter public schools were created to provide innovative and effective educational choices for students and their parents. As such, they are exempt from many state and state and school district regulations and have more flexibility than regular public school. Charter school should show sufficient progress in order to operate.


How many charter schools currently operate in California?
Since the Charter Schools Act was passed in 1992, the number of charter schools in California increases every year. During 2006-2007 academic year 617 charter schools were operating in California with total enrollment of 225,095 students.


May charter school charge tuition?
No. Charter schools are public schools adhering to federal and state statutes that prohibit schools from charging tuition. However, there may be selected additional services and activities for which participating students may incur fees or costs.


How do I enroll my child in a charter school?
Parents must apply directly to the school and go through the open enrollment process. Preferences may be given to the siblings of students enrolled at a charter school, children of employees of the charter school but each year, based on interest, charter schools go by a lottery system as well.


Does COA School have admission criteria?
No, as a charter school we accept all students and we are prohibited to discriminate against anybody based on race, religion, gender, disability or language.


If my child lives outside of the school district in which a charter school is located, can s/he still attend your charter school?
Generally, yes. Our school is a non-conversion charter school that accepts students residing within and outside the district if the parent decides that the child would be better served educationally at the charter school.


What happens if a charter school receives more applications for admission than it has capacity for?
In a case in which a charter school receives applications for admission that exceed its capacity, the charter school will institute a lottery process in which each applicant is given an equal chance of admission. However, we can limit new admissions to ensure that a student who attends the charter school during the school year may continue to attend the school in subsequent years, and that siblings of that student may attend the charter school.


Do charter school teachers have to be credentialed?
Yes. California and federal laws mandate that every teacher has to hold valid teaching credential and be NCLB compliant in the subject taught.


Is your charter school held to the same content standards and accountability requirements as other public schools in the state of California?
Yes. As a public school, our charter school is required to address the state content standards in the instructional programs and administer the same state assessments as all other public schools. Charter schools are held to the same accountability requirements as other public schools.


Does this charter school provide transportation for the students?
The school district in which our charter school is located provides transportation for the charter school students if they meet state transportation eligibility requirements of living more than one mile from the charter school (grades K-5 students). Students living outside the district may be picked up at a regular bus stop within the district in which the charter school is located.


Does your charter school have lunch program?
Yes. The meals are provided through the Twin Rivers School District Food Department.