Greeting COA Elementary families!

Community Outreach Academy  - Greeting COA Elementary families!

Greeting COA Elementary families! I have been the principal at COA Elementary for fifteen years and in that time it has been a pleasure to work with a dedicated staff that is supportive of the educational process. I sincerely believe that COA’s teaching staff is the best in the district. They constantly strive to make changes in their

programs that will best serve the needs of students. COA Elemen-tary teachers and staff members go above and beyond to serve the needs of our students.

As the school year begins, we urge you to continue your involve-ment with your child’s education. There are several ways that you can participate. You may contact you child teacher to help in the classroom or you can ask site managers about volunteer opportunities at our school sites. According to the COA Three-Way School Pledge, we highly recommend that all par-
ents volunteer a minimum of 12 hours (per school year) of their time to COA. This year we need to elect two (2) parents of our English Learners to serve on the English Learner Advisory Com-mittee (ELAC) and one (1) parent to serve on the School Site Council (SSC).


ELAC and SSC are elected groups of parents and staff. ELAC is intended for parents of English Learners to advise the principal and school staff on programs and services for English Learners. SSC’ primary responsibility is to assist in developing, approving and annually revising the school site academic plan. In addition, the SSC oversee the site-based budgeting of categorical funds. Some specific tasks of the SSC are: review and analyze student data; participate in developing the Academic Plan and school site budget; monitor the implementation and effectiveness of the academic plan on an ongoing basis. If you are interested to serve on the SSC or ELAC please submit your name or nominate another parent to become a member (nomination forms are enclosed to this newsletter).

2017 Family Reading Night is scheduled on September 7, 6:00 p.m. (Pavilion site). All learning starts with a student’s ability to read and this school event is the perfect opportunity to have fun while investing some quality time in your children and in their education here at Community Outreach Academy. Our Family Reading Night focuses on reading with lots of fun reading related activities. Dur-ing this family event we will have reading stations of various au-thors, fun activities, and a photo booth for all students. Free pizza will be provided. Welcome and thank you for all of your support.


Larissa Gonchar, Principal

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