The safety of our students

The safety of our students We take the safety of our students very seriously at COA Elementary. It is very im- portant that parents and students follow the school’s arrival and dismissal procedures to ensure the safety of every student. Teaching children the importance of following safety procedures will greatly influence them in their adult lives. When you bring and pick up your children to school according to the school’s arrival and dismissal procedures, you are teaching them the value of everybody’s well- being and protection, including other students’, parents’, teachers’, as well as their own.

Our school’s policy is that students are not to arrive to school before 8:00 am (Parent Handbook p.14). There is no adult super- vision available before 8:00 am. We have great concern for our students’ safety and specifically request that students not be left at school before the building is open. We are not responsible for your child's safety if he or she is dropped off before 8:00am.


Upon dismissal of class, students are to promptly leave campus. For safety reasons, children must be picked up within 15 minutes after school ends (Parent Handbook p.14). If for any reason a parent is unable to pick up their child on time, it is their responsibility to make the necessary arrangements for a family member who is 18 years of age or older and listed on their child’s emergency contact card to pick them up within 15 minutes after school ends.

Right across the street from the school building/Skvarla site, we have a large and spacious lot for parents to use when bringing their children to school in the morning and picking them up at the end of the day. Parents must park and walk their students inside.

The drop off area is to be used only for dropping off students. Parents using the drop off area cannot leave their vehicle and children must exit only to the right, in the direction of the building. The parking spaces in the drop off area are for school staff only. Parents will be asked to move their vehicles if they park in the drop off area.

We are very thankful to have such wonderful parents of our COA students who care about our students’ wellbeing before, during, and after school. Thank you for taking such an active role in your children’s safety and ensuring their school day starts and ends on the right foot.

Alex Banashko, Site Manager / Skvarla Sitе


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