Four questions

Community Outreach Academy  - Four questions

We are having a great year of learning at the Community Outreach Academy! Every day is filled with excitement and new discoveries. It is a joy to have such bright scholars and supportive parents as part of our school’s community. Our school takes both academics and discipline very seriously as we strive to support the growth of responsible citizens in our society.

This is my tenth year with COA. As a site manager, I get to spend a big part of my day with the students and teachers.

Each child is different and requires a different approach; there- fore, as a team of educators we do our best to ensure that all students have an opportunity to learn to the best of their abilities.

It is important for us to provide consistent support and guidance especially when the students get distracted. One of the methods we use to help our student to stay on track is four questions dialog: “What are you doing?” “What are you supposed to be doing?” “Are you doing it?” “What are you going to do about it?”. By asking these questions, we prompt our students to reevaluate their behavior. Additionally, we encourage them to remember the responsibilities of good scholars. Meditating on whether she/he is staying on task helps the student go back to the place he/she should be. As adults, we understand the importance of staying organized and focused. Whether our boys and girls are in the classroom or out- side at the playground, we stress the importance of good and exemplary behavior. Thus, each student has an opportunity to learn and grow in these skills daily.

It is important for us to stay on the same page with parents regards to any discipline related matters. If both school and parents/guardians have a common approach to behavior/ discipline issues, we can be more effective in helping our students to be successful. Please, feel free to use the four questions at home. You might be surprised at the results!

Additionally, we always remind students the importance of timely arrival to school as well as consistency in attendance. It is important for the scholars to start the day with their peers, share their morning excitement, and simply have a positive start of the day. Please, help us  build a strong understanding of responsibility in our students by brining your children to school on time. We appreciate your support and cooperation.

Benjamin Nesteruk, Site Manager
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