As the school year comes to a close

Community Outreach Academy  - As the school year comes to

As the school year comes to a close, our minds and hearts are filled to the brim. It’s been a great year! What a school! Together we’ve learned much and shared experiences that will long remain with us in the years to come. The strength of our community and wholehearted passion to make our school a wonderful place of learning for our children primarily but for all of us makes Community Outreach Academy truly a special place. Special thanks to all of you who have contributed in ways small, large, and unimaginable!

Lesson planning, planning field trips, organizing events, working at these events, showing up to events, helping in the garden, serving on committees such as School Site Council, ELAC Committee, doing amazing projects with your students, sharing your talents… supporting each other in countless ways and providing the resources to do what we dream and know is good for our students. For these, and a million other things, I am truly grateful for our COA staff and families. Thank you parents, students, teachers, staff and administrators for a wonderful school year. With such hard working and amazing people, I know that our school can only grow. Have a wonderful and safe summer!

Larissa Gonchar, Principal

Community Outreach Academy  - CSA

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