Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Community Outreach Academy  -Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

As we draw nearer to Christmas, the sense of excitement and cheer seems to grow a little more every day on our campus. Each site is decorated from floor to ceiling with ornaments and glistening décor. Students are doing all sorts of holiday projects in their classrooms. Our staff is gifting Secret Santa gifts to each other throughout these last few weeks before break. The spirit of Christmas is in the air!

However, not everyone is fortunate enough to receive new books, toys, and clothes for Christmas every year. And not everyone gets to experience this special time of year with their family. This time of year is the best time of year to gift a little joy into someone’s life! Call up a friend or maybe a family member you haven’t talked to in a while. Bake some homemade cookies or a pie to bring to a neighbor. Help out at the local food shelter or your church… with the whole family. Shop for some gifts for a family you know doesn’t have the opportunity to do so for themselves this year. Give lots of compliments, smile, and spread kindness and love this Christmas season.

This is the best time of year to look back and evaluate where you’ve been, how far you’ve come, and where you’re going. As you and your children approach the new year, make some resolutions together. What do you want to change in the new year personally and as a family? What stood out to you from the past year that makes you want to do things differently? What were your favorite moments from the past year that you’d like to experience more of? Intentionally make some plans together, and do them! May this new year be the best one yet! We’ll see you all next year! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Daniella Manzyuk, Student Support Specialist

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