GCC Soccer & Basketball Championships

Community Outreach Academy  -GCC Soccer & Basketball Championships

2018-2019 has been a very successful athletic year for COA elementary. In the Fall season we began our GCC District-wide soccer competition, where we had two teams that competed in the league. Both COA team 1 and COA team 2 made it to the championship, and COA team 2, which was coached by Toliy Sonnik and Dennis Rybakou ended up winning with a final score of 2-1. We are very proud of both soccer teams for being able to dominate the league and take 1st and 2nd place for COA Elementary!

In our Winter Athletic Season it is my pleasure to announce that our COA Elementary Basketball team (coached by Daniel Bubela) won the GCC District-wide championship last Friday Feb. 1st. We played against EPIC Elementary, who put up a tough fight, but we were able to triumph over the adversity. We went undefeated again this year and took the gold. This is our 4th year in a row where we have won 1st place and I just want to say a huge thank you to Svitlana Skliaruk and our ASES program. I believe that the success of our sports teams are a result of the consistency of our After School Program. Kids have the opportunity to join sports clubs all throughout the week; and it is in these clubs that their athletic skills are sharpened and prepped for competition.

Daniel Bubela, COA Sports Coordinator

Community Outreach Academy  -GCC Soccer & Basketball Championships


Community Outreach Academy  -GCC Soccer & Basketball Championships


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