Community Outreach Academy  -PARENTS ARE INVITED  TO JOIN

the COA District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)

To COA Parents of English Learners:

Over the last few years, I, along with other parents, have had a great privilege to serve on various Committees at COA. Currently, I am a parent representative serving on the COA District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC), formerly known as English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC). I would like to take this opportunity and address all par-
ents of the students who are currently classified as Eng- lish Learners at COA.

The purpose of COA DELAC is to provide opportunities for you, parents, to give advice and assist school in the decision-making process concerning programs for the COA English Learners. A minimum of four (4) DELAC meetings are held during the school year. I would like to invite more parents and guardians of the COA English Learners to join and/or attend DELAC. Our next meeting will be held jointly with the School Site Council meeting on May 7, 2019, at 5 p.m., at the COA Dudley site. If you are not able to come to the next DELAC meeting, you are welcome to join us on this Committee next school year.

On behalf of the parent volunteers currently serving on DELAC, I would like to note that we continue to be im- pressed with the COA staff and the way they all tireless- ly work and strive to provide an excellent learning envi- ronment for our children. Also, we would like to express our deep appreciation for all the support COA Admin- istration provides not only for our children, but for the parents and guardians as well. The COA Principal, Mrs. Gonchar, and her entire team are very open and encour- aging when it comes to parent involvement and partici- pation on the COA Committees, and in our school, in general. Parents, join us on DELAC - your voices and opinions do matter! All parents are welcome anytime!

Irene Chekrygin, COA DELAC Chairperson

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