Community Outreach Academy  -SCHOOL’S PICK UP PROCEDURES

Due to an increased concern for the safety of our students, we have made a few adjustments to our school’s pick-up procedures. These changes will help our school to be more prepared for any unexpected circumstances and will increase transparency between us and the parents and guardians who pick their children up from school.


 ►    Students who participate in any after school activities, such as After School Academic Tutoring (ASAT) or the After School Program (ASES), must report to their designated meeting areas immediately upon dismissal.

►    All other students must wait at their site’s designated pick up location, where they  need to be picked up with in 15 minutes after the end  of  the school  day.

►    For the safety of our students, parents must be physically present  at the gates to the pick-up location to meet their child. Students are not to leave their site after school and may not leave campus to meet someone there. They are not to play on or around the playground or linger in their classrooms after dismissal. There are  no exceptions  for older students who have younger siblings at another site.

►    School staff will attempt to contact the parents and emergency contacts of students who are not picked up within 15 minutes after the end of school. If a parent knows that they are running late, they must notify office staff immediately.

►    After 3:45 p.m. (1:00 p.m. on minimum days), students who have not yet been picked up will be escorted by school staff to the Dudley B site5726 Dudley Blvd. Bld. 1420), where they can be picked up by their parents and emergency contacts. All students will be in one location, allowing for parents to easily locate their child. Designated school staff will maintain a roster of children who are picked up late and keep track of patterns in this behavior. Habitual late pick-ups will not be tolerated. After five (5) late pick-ups in an academic year, school administration will address this behavior through a meeting with the student’s parents and proper documentation. After five (5) late pick-ups with no parental con- tact, police and Child Protective Services may be notified.

►    If your child participates in the After School Academic Tutoring (ASAT) program, they will be dis- missed at 4:30 p.m. Children need to be picked  up with in 15 minutes after ASAT is dismissed.  Student in K-1 grades must be picked up at Skvarla (5800 Skvarla Ave) and students in 2-6 grades must be picked up at Rafferty A (5637 Skvarla Ave). If a parent finds that they will be late, they are required to make arrangements for an authorized adult to pick up the child and to notify school staff regarding the change. Five (5) late pick-ups in a school year may result in ASAT privileges being revoked.


These adjustments to our procedures are meant to clarify our expectations for the timely pick up of children after school as well as ensure the safety of all students on our campus. With your help and cooperation, we will be able to smoothly transition into these new procedures.

IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS or concerns about these changes, please reach out to your child’s Site Manager or Michael Serdi, COA Vice Principal. You can also contact our school by telephone at (916) 286-5170 or (916) 286-1950.

- Michael Serdi,
Vice Principal

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