Community Outreach Academy  - CELEBRATING STUDENT SUCCESS

Children are invaluable assets of our country and they will assume roles of significance and leadership when they soon grow up in the future. While it is commendable that we are doing all that we can, including offering all resources our children need to do well in lives, we should exercise caution not to be too obsessed with their weaknesses and failures, but should instead accord them with the due recognition they deserve for every achievement that they have achieved. Knowing that the deepest principle of human nature is the craving for recognition, our school, Community Outreach Academy (COA), subscribes to the belief that appreciation can make a day and even change a life. We understand the importance of recognition in driving motivation and contributing to the success of children. To this end, we put in place various measures at school to ensure that all achievements of our students do not go uncelebrated.

To begin with, on a class level, our teachers are actively sending positive notes home and making motivating phone calls to parents to offer words of encouragement their children deserve. In addition, various class incentives and celebrations are organized on a regular basis such as students who turn in exemplary school work are awarded class awards in the form of a “Star Student.” These initiatives are underpinned by the objective of showing our children that their efforts are recognized, and to create a positive classroom environment that celebrates success among students. Similarly, different efforts are implemented on a school level to celebrate the success of students. In particular, 2nd through 6th grade students who achieve stellar aca- demic achievement each trimester are conferred different type of awards including being placed on the honor roll and principal lists. In order to achieve an honor roll award, student must have an 85% or higher in all subjects. During the 1st trimester we had 162 students on honor roll. Similarly, 22 students that received principal list had to have 95% or higher in all subjects. Kindergarten and 1st grades had to achieve certain math and Language arts standards in order to receive a math or language arts award. In the first trimester we had 132 math awards for student in Kindergarten and 1st grade, and 151 language arts awards. Specific awards were also given to students who performed well in any particular subject including, for example, the Russian Language and Physical Education. The school also celebrated students who successfully completed academic summer challenges as well as 100% completion of daily homework. On a district level, our school celebrate students who achieved high scores on state test CAASPP. Every year COA has more and more students that score 100% on CAASPP. This year we have 11 students. The aim is to motivate students to not only focus on their academic performance, but also other equally important areas such as their proficiency in Russian language and their physical wellbeing, so that students can grow to become an all-rounder.

While we place emphasis on the academic progress of students, our school recognizes the importance of nurturing the character and attitude of students. While every student has his or her own strengths and weaknesses, a good character is a common requirement for everyone to succeed in the future. To this end, students who manifest exemplary character are recognized at the monthly Character Education assemblies. A treasure card is also given to students for good behavior on a weekly basis. Our school also celebrates most improved students in different areas including academic testing by giving them a most improved in Star Reading and Star Math award every trimester. While there are many other ways we recognize students, I want to point out that attendance is really important. We celebrate student attendance each trimester with perfect attendance awards. During the 1st trimester we had 345 student with perfect attendance. We also like to hold a fun trip for all student that have a perfect attendance all year long.

At the risk of sounding cliché, it needs to be highlighted that the family is the first essential cell of human society. Being the guardians at home, an onus naturally lies on parents to play a role in celebrating students’ success at home. Of particular importance is that parents should look beyond academic grades of students. Rather due recognition should be given to students who exemplify good behavior. Among others, students who take the initiative with house chores, or their request to share a snack with their peers at school, are examples of behavioral success that deserve recognition from parents. There are different ways for parents to celebrate children’s success. It can be as simple as offering verbal affirmations for job well done, or can have a reward system at home where students’ stellar work is publicly displayed at home. The celebration of success overshadows the challenges encountered along the way. If the school and parents can work hand in hand in recognizing every milestone and achievement of our children, this can create an immense motivation for students to raise the bar higher for themselves so that they can achieve greater heights in lives. COA is very proud of all of our students.

- Tatyana Kisel, Vice Principal

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