COA is  committed to a quality education. While methods are changing in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are incorporating a distance learning approach for the safety of students, families, and our staff.

(Senate Bill) SB 98 requires live interaction with every student and their peers everyday along with daily participation which may include but is not limited to assessment, evidence of participation in online activities, and completion of assignments.


Now more than ever, it is important for our school to work with students and families to identify approaches for encouraging and tracking attendance that accommodate the unique situation of each child. Taking attendance has acquired new meaning for schools as distance learning becomes the new normal during the pandemic.

It is important that your child joins Zoom class beginning at 8:30 AM as teachers take attendance daily during their live interaction period with their students. If students miss the live interaction with their teacher, they may watch the recorded version of the class.

Completion of assignments is also part of attendance. When teachers give assignments, it is important for students to complete them before the due date. Teachers use Google Classrooms or Seasaw to see who is logging on daily and when the assignments are turned in. These online classroom platforms help teachers keep track of student learning, thus in turn count toward attendance. The minimum requirement for students to engage in learning  is  three  hours  per  day  for  Kindergarteners, three hours and 50 minutes for grades one to three, and four hours for grades four and five.

At COA, evidence of attendance will be measured by Zoom live or recorded participation and at least one of the following ways:

Completion  of  online  work  such  as  Lexia, MathWhizz, MobyMax, XtraMath, Raz-Kids, and others.

►  Completion of assignments in Google Classroom or Seasaw.

►  Completion of assessments.

►  Direct contact of student/teacher via phone call or other platforms.

It is expected that parents shall, to the maximum extent possible, ensure that their child participates in the distance learning program.  If your child cannot attend live zoom  lessons,  parents  should  communicate  this  with their teacher and receive a link to the recorded lesson and/or any assignments that need to be completed that day for the student to be counted as “present” that day.

The student will be marked absent when a student does not participate in any part of the learning activities listed above for the day.  However, if your child is ill please let your teacher know as soon as possible; then this absence will be considered excused.

Three or more unexcused absences during distance learning will result in  a phone  call  and a  letter sent home, while five unexcused absences will lead to a letter   sent   home   and   a   Student   Attendance   Review Meeting.

We are aware that all family and student circumstances may vary, especially during these unprecedented circumstances. Communication is the key. In difficult situations, COA teachers and administrators will work with you to find ways to support your child. Please communicate with your child’s teacher if you need support with distance  learning.  Whatever  it  takes,  our  kids  are worth it!

Dr. Tatyana Kisel, Vice Principal

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