Have a wonderful Summer Break!

Have a wonderful Summer Break!

Dear COA Families,

The most unusual school year in our lifetimes has come to an end. We are so grateful to you, our wonderful students and parents for continuing to choose Community Outreach Academy for your edu- cation. We understand that you have many options of where you can send your children to get their education and are so thankful that you choose us.

The past 15 months have been very tough and challenging in more ways than we could have imagined. It was also a year of opportunity for many of us. We all had the opportunity to spend more time with our families and close ones. I would like to wish you all a very restful summer break and look forward to welcoming our students back to school on August 11, 2021. We will be sending out Welcome Back to School Letters in July with our Student Calendars in July, so please keep an eye out for that letter. I look forward to working with your children and their teachers to ensure that they are successful, especially after such a challenging year. 

Have a wonderful Summer Break!


Larissa Gonchar, Principal

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