Hello our wonderful COA family

Hello our wonderful COA family

What an unprecedented year! It has been filled with many regulations and protocols, but we have made it! Our school staff and I have been very excited to have our students back on campus with us. Although this year was very challenging, I am very thankful and proud that we were able to finish the year off strong and maintain the implemented regulations made by the CDC. Likewise, I am pleased that this school year has went according to plan given the circumstances that our society was in. I would also like to announce my promotion from vice principal to campus principal of COA elementary school. This year will be my 11 th year at this school and I am proud to be a part of the COA family. I am looking forward to the next school year as I will be working alongside our wonderful director of COA elementary and middle school, Mrs. Gonchar, as well as, the principal of COA middle school, Dr. Tatyana Kisel. This will be effective next school year. Our office will be closed during the summer, so if you have any further questions please reach out to our front desk clerk at pavilion site. I am looking forward to seeing all of our students back on campus in August, and I wish you all a restful and enjoyable summer in the meantime. Thank you all.


Thank you all.

Michael Serdi, Vice Principal

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