Over the many years of my work in the school sector, I’ve become convinced that the most important singularity in any school, the biggest and most influential subject and living example for every student is the teacher. A great teacher is an incredible value for the school, children and parents. The work of a teacher is also a very sacrificial profession indeed. Being a teacher is a lifestyle, it is a destiny and a calling. Therefore, the work and service of a great teacher deserves the deepest respect, reverence, and gratitude. Undeniably, in essence, a great teacher tries to invest in his or her students not only academic knowledge, but also instill in them a sense of beauty, develop moral and aesthetic qualities in the soul of each child, and teach children to enjoy life. Even in the most difficult of life’s circumstances, teachers faithfully and obediently follow the pull of every great teacher's heart - a heart dedicated to serving children. The ancient philosopher Socrates argued that every teacher has a sacred duty to seek and convey the truth, to excite the thought processes in children. Working as a school director for more than 20 years, I also have become convinced that a truly great teacher can almost fill the role of a third parent of a child, and sometimes the only “parent”, for example, for orphans when the child doesn’t have an adult or any caregiver who genuinely cares for them. Children never forget great teachers. After all, great teachers have a strong influence on their lives and therefore remain in children's hearts forever. The work of a truly great teacher is priceless.

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