Yuliya Kozlov

Yuliya Kozlov 2nd Grade Teacher COA ElementaryMy name is Yuliya Kozlov. I am a mom of 4 years old boy Vitaliy Jr., and a wife of wonderful man Vitaliy. Sometimes I think that this little family of three extends to a huge family of 23. I am a teacher of twenty wonderful, happy, smart, sometimes very loud 2nd graders, which I consider part of my family. I love each one of them, and see a great potential in all of them. At the end of long and busy day, I close my eyes for a moment to dream. I see my 2nd graders, twenty years from now, becoming great contributors to society. I see them being kind, honest, educated. I am sure that some of them will become great husbands and wives, moms and dads, as well as doctors, lawyers, teachers and experts at other professions. And I will be very proud of them then, as I am now.

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